NO Nontermination proof succeeded Found this recurrent set for cutpoint 216: i1592_0 <= -1 and i1592_post <= -1 and i16_0 <= -1 and i16_post <= -1 and i1895_0 <= -1 and i1895_post <= -1 and i18_0 <= -1 and i18_post <= -1 and 0 <= i88_0 and 0 <= i88_post and zer_0 <= 0 and ___const_1132_0-cmd1_0 <= 0 and cmd1_0-___const_1132_0 <= 0 and ___const_123_0-___const_19846_0 <= -1 and ___const_123_0-___const_12_0 <= -2 and ___const_15_0-___const_12_0 <= -2 and ___const_19846_0-___const_12_0 <= -1 and cmd2_0-___const_12_0 <= -1 and ___const_15_0-___const_19846_0 <= -1 and ___const_123_0-cmd2_0 <= -1 and ___const_15_0-cmd2_0 <= -1 and cmd2_0-___const_19846_0 <= 0 and ___const_19846_0-cmd2_0 <= 0 and i1592_0+i1895_0 <= -2 and i1592_0+i1895_post <= -2 and i1592_0-i88_0 <= -1 and i1592_0-i88_post <= -1 and i1592_post-i1592_0 <= 0 and i1592_0-i1592_post <= 0 and i1592_post+i1592_0 <= -2 and i1592_post+i1895_0 <= -2 and i1592_post+i1895_post <= -2 and i1592_post-i88_0 <= -1 and i1592_post-i88_post <= -1 and i16_0+i1592_0 <= -2 and i16_0+i1592_post <= -2 and i16_0+i1895_0 <= -2 and i16_0+i1895_post <= -2 and i16_0+i18_0 <= -2 and i16_0+i18_post <= -2 and i16_0-i88_0 <= -1 and i16_0-i88_post <= -1 and i16_0+zer_0 <= -1 and i16_post+i1592_0 <= -2 and i16_post+i1592_post <= -2 and i16_post-i16_0 <= 0 and i16_0-i16_post <= 0 and i16_post+i16_0 <= -2 and i16_post+i1895_0 <= -2 and i16_post+i1895_post <= -2 and i16_post+i18_0 <= -2 and i16_post+i18_post <= -2 and i16_post-i88_0 <= -1 and i16_post-i88_post <= -1 and i16_post+zer_0 <= -1 and i1895_0-i88_0 <= -1 and i1895_0-i88_post <= -1 and i1895_post-i1895_0 <= 0 and i1895_0-i1895_post <= 0 and i1895_post+i1895_0 <= -2 and i1895_post-i88_0 <= -1 and i1895_post-i88_post <= -1 and i18_0+i1592_0 <= -2 and i18_0+i1592_post <= -2 and i18_0+i1895_0 <= -2 and i18_0+i1895_post <= -2 and i18_0-i88_0 <= -1 and i18_0-i88_post <= -1 and i18_0+zer_0 <= -1 and i18_post+i1592_0 <= -2 and i18_post+i1592_post <= -2 and i18_post+i1895_0 <= -2 and i18_post+i1895_post <= -2 and i18_post-i18_0 <= 0 and i18_0-i18_post <= 0 and i18_post+i18_0 <= -2 and i18_post-i88_0 <= -1 and i18_post-i88_post <= -1 and i18_post+zer_0 <= -1 and i88_post-i88_0 <= 0 and i88_0-i88_post <= 0 and 0 <= i88_post+i88_0 and zer_0+i1592_0 <= -1 and zer_0+i1592_post <= -1 and zer_0+i1895_0 <= -1 and zer_0+i1895_post <= -1 and zer_0-i88_0 <= 0 and zer_0-i88_post <= 0 and 0 <= 0 Errors: