NO Nontermination proof succeeded Found this recurrent set for cutpoint 67: NL1818_post == 0 and NL2727_post == 0 and NL4444_post == 0 and NL5656_post == 0 and SER4343_post == 1 and SER5555_post == 1 and ____rho_2__0 == 1 and ____rho_2__post == 1 and a5959_post == 0 and a6262_post == -1 and ap_daemons_limit_post == 0 and ap_daemons_max_free_post == 0 and ap_daemons_min_free_post == 0 and ap_daemons_to_start_post == 0 and ap_listeners_0 == 1 and ap_listeners_post == 1 and ap_lock_fname_0 == 0 and ap_lock_fname___03030_post == 0 and ap_max_mem_free_0 == 0 and ap_max_mem_free___01515_post == 0 and ap_max_requests_per_child_0 == 1 and ap_my_pid_post == 0 and ap_threads_per_child_post == 0 and child_num_arg_post == 1 and die_now_0 == 0 and die_now_post == 0 and do_ACCEPT_1 == 1 and do_ACCEPT_post == 0 and first_server_limit_post == 0 and handled_conn_post == 0 and i_0 == 0 and i_post == 0 and last_poll_idx_post == 0 and lr_0 == 1 and lr_post == 1 and mpm_state_post == 8 and my_child_num_0 == 1 and my_child_num___04040_post == 1 and my_child_num_post == 1 and num_listensocks_0 == 2 and num_listensocks___04646_post == 0 and num_listensocks_post == 2 and one_process_0 == 1 and pfd___01_post == 0 and pfd_client_data_post == 1 and pfd_desc_s_post == 1 and pfd_desc_type_post == 6 and pfd_reqevents_post == 5 and requests_this_child_0 == 1 and requests_this_child_post == 1 and ret_accept_mutex_on5858_post == 0 and ret_apr_pollset_poll6666_post == 8 and ret_apr_proc_mutex_child_init3333_post == 7 and ret_getpid1111_post == 0 and server_limit_post == 256 and shutdown_pending_0 == 1 and status_0 == 8 and status_post == 8 and tmp1010_post == 0 and tmp3232_post == 7 and tmp3_0 == 0 and tmp3_post == 0 and tmp5757_post == 0 and tmp6565_post == 8 and tmp___04_post == 0 and z2828_post == 0 and z4141_post == 0 and z4848_post == 0 Errors: