YES Solver Timeout: 4 Global Timeout: 300 No parsing errors! Init Location: 0 Transitions: undef10, i_28^0 -> undef13, length_27^0 -> undef17, nondet_12^0 -> undef18, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef26}> undef46, result_11^0 -> (0 + temp0_16^0), result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef65, t_24^0 -> undef66, x_17^0 -> undef74, x_21^0 -> undef75, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef76, y_20^0 -> undef77}> undef89, head_15^0 -> undef91, r_37^0 -> undef103, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef108, x_14^0 -> undef115, x_17^0 -> undef117, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef119}> undef202, t_24^0 -> (0 + x_21^0)}> undef467}> undef545, head_15^0 -> undef547, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef564, x_14^0 -> undef571, x_17^0 -> undef573, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef575}> (0 + x_21^0)}> undef963, head_15^0 -> undef965, result_11^0 -> (0 + temp0_16^0), result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef982, t_24^0 -> undef983, x_17^0 -> undef991, x_21^0 -> undef992, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef993, y_20^0 -> undef994}> undef1120, head_15^0 -> undef1122, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef1139, x_14^0 -> undef1146, x_17^0 -> undef1148, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef1150}> undef1231, t_24^0 -> undef1254}> undef1508}> undef1540, head_30^0 -> undef1541, i_28^0 -> undef1544, length_27^0 -> undef1548, result_11^0 -> undef1555, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_31^0 -> undef1556, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef1557, temp0_29^0 -> undef1560, temp_33^0 -> undef1561, tmp_32^0 -> undef1562, x_14^0 -> undef1564}> undef1770, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef1789, x_17^0 -> undef1798, x_21^0 -> undef1799, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef1800, y_20^0 -> undef1801}> undef1884, head_15^0 -> undef1886, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef1903, x_14^0 -> undef1910, x_17^0 -> undef1912, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef1914}> undef2018}> undef2188, head_15^0 -> undef2190, result_11^0 -> (0 + temp0_16^0), t_24^0 -> undef2208, x_17^0 -> undef2216, x_21^0 -> undef2217, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef2218, y_20^0 -> undef2219}> undef2310, i_28^0 -> undef2313, rcd_56^0 -> undef2322, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_31^0 -> undef2325, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2326, temp_33^0 -> undef2330, tmp_32^0 -> undef2331}> undef2345, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2364, x_17^0 -> undef2373, x_21^0 -> undef2374, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef2375, y_20^0 -> undef2376}> undef2498, head_15^0 -> undef2499, r_37^0 -> undef2511, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2516, x_172^0 -> undef2524}> undef2607, len_180^0 -> undef2620}> undef2796, len_129^0 -> undef2809}> undef2877, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2896, x_17^0 -> undef2905, x_21^0 -> undef2906, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef2907, y_20^0 -> undef2908}> undef3031, r_121^0 -> undef3041, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef3048, x_126^0 -> undef3054}> undef3335, i_105^0 -> undef3337, r_160^0 -> undef3346, r_37^0 -> undef3347, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef3352}> undef3441}> undef3565}> undef3601, head_30^0 -> undef3602, i_164^0 -> undef3604, i_28^0 -> undef3605, length_27^0 -> undef3609, result_11^0 -> undef3616, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_31^0 -> undef3617, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef3618, temp0_29^0 -> undef3621, temp_33^0 -> undef3622, tmp_32^0 -> undef3623, x_14^0 -> undef3625}> (0 + undef3777), i_28^0 -> undef3759, i_92^0 -> undef3760, rcd_86^0 -> undef3769, temp_33^0 -> undef3776, tmp_32^0 -> undef3777}> undef3829, head_15^0 -> undef3831, head_30^0 -> undef3832, i_28^0 -> undef3835, length_27^0 -> undef3839, result_11^0 -> (0 + temp0_16^0), result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_31^0 -> undef3847, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef3848, t_24^0 -> undef3849, temp0_29^0 -> undef3851, temp_33^0 -> undef3852, tmp_32^0 -> undef3853, x_14^0 -> undef3855, x_17^0 -> undef3857, x_21^0 -> undef3858, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef3859, y_20^0 -> undef3860}> undef3885, i_28^0 -> undef3888, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_31^0 -> undef3900, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef3901, temp_33^0 -> undef3905, tmp_32^0 -> undef3906}> Fresh variables: undef10, undef13, undef17, undef18, undef26, undef39, undef46, undef65, undef66, undef74, undef75, undef76, undef77, undef78, undef79, undef80, undef81, undef82, undef89, undef91, undef103, undef108, undef115, undef117, undef119, undef202, undef467, undef545, undef547, undef564, undef571, undef573, undef575, undef963, undef965, undef982, undef983, undef991, undef992, undef993, undef994, undef995, undef996, undef997, undef998, undef999, undef1120, undef1122, undef1139, undef1146, undef1148, undef1150, undef1231, undef1254, undef1508, undef1540, undef1541, undef1544, undef1548, undef1555, undef1556, undef1557, undef1560, undef1561, undef1562, undef1564, undef1570, undef1571, undef1572, undef1573, undef1770, undef1789, undef1798, undef1799, undef1800, undef1801, undef1884, undef1886, undef1903, undef1910, undef1912, undef1914, undef2018, undef2188, undef2190, undef2208, undef2216, undef2217, undef2218, undef2219, undef2220, undef2221, undef2222, undef2223, undef2224, undef2310, undef2313, undef2322, undef2325, undef2326, undef2330, undef2331, undef2345, undef2364, undef2373, undef2374, undef2375, undef2376, undef2498, undef2499, undef2511, undef2516, undef2524, undef2607, undef2620, undef2796, undef2809, undef2877, undef2896, undef2905, undef2906, undef2907, undef2908, undef3031, undef3041, undef3048, undef3054, undef3335, undef3337, undef3346, undef3347, undef3352, undef3441, undef3565, undef3601, undef3602, undef3604, undef3605, undef3609, undef3616, undef3617, undef3618, undef3621, undef3622, undef3623, undef3625, undef3631, undef3632, undef3759, undef3760, undef3769, undef3776, undef3777, undef3829, undef3831, undef3832, undef3835, undef3839, undef3847, undef3848, undef3849, undef3851, undef3852, undef3853, undef3855, undef3857, undef3858, undef3859, undef3860, undef3861, undef3862, undef3863, undef3864, undef3865, undef3866, undef3867, undef3868, undef3869, undef3870, undef3871, undef3872, undef3873, undef3874, undef3875, undef3885, undef3888, undef3900, undef3901, undef3905, undef3906, Undef variables: undef10, undef13, undef17, undef18, undef26, undef39, undef46, undef65, undef66, undef74, undef75, undef76, undef77, undef78, undef79, undef80, undef81, undef82, undef89, undef91, undef103, undef108, undef115, undef117, undef119, undef202, undef467, undef545, undef547, undef564, undef571, undef573, undef575, undef963, undef965, undef982, undef983, undef991, undef992, undef993, undef994, undef995, undef996, undef997, undef998, undef999, undef1120, undef1122, undef1139, undef1146, undef1148, undef1150, undef1231, undef1254, undef1508, undef1540, undef1541, undef1544, undef1548, undef1555, undef1556, undef1557, undef1560, undef1561, undef1562, undef1564, undef1570, undef1571, undef1572, undef1573, undef1770, undef1789, undef1798, undef1799, undef1800, undef1801, undef1884, undef1886, undef1903, undef1910, undef1912, undef1914, undef2018, undef2188, undef2190, undef2208, undef2216, undef2217, undef2218, undef2219, undef2220, undef2221, undef2222, undef2223, undef2224, undef2310, undef2313, undef2322, undef2325, undef2326, undef2330, undef2331, undef2345, undef2364, undef2373, undef2374, undef2375, undef2376, undef2498, undef2499, undef2511, undef2516, undef2524, undef2607, undef2620, undef2796, undef2809, undef2877, undef2896, undef2905, undef2906, undef2907, undef2908, undef3031, undef3041, undef3048, undef3054, undef3335, undef3337, undef3346, undef3347, undef3352, undef3441, undef3565, undef3601, undef3602, undef3604, undef3605, undef3609, undef3616, undef3617, undef3618, undef3621, undef3622, undef3623, undef3625, undef3631, undef3632, undef3759, undef3760, undef3769, undef3776, undef3777, undef3829, undef3831, undef3832, undef3835, undef3839, undef3847, undef3848, undef3849, undef3851, undef3852, undef3853, undef3855, undef3857, undef3858, undef3859, undef3860, undef3861, undef3862, undef3863, undef3864, undef3865, undef3866, undef3867, undef3868, undef3869, undef3870, undef3871, undef3872, undef3873, undef3874, undef3875, undef3885, undef3888, undef3900, undef3901, undef3905, undef3906, Abstraction variables: Exit nodes: Accepting locations: Asserts: Preprocessed LLVMGraph Init Location: 0 Transitions: undef3829, head_15^0 -> undef3831, head_30^0 -> undef3832, i_28^0 -> undef3835, length_27^0 -> undef3839, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef3848, t_24^0 -> undef3849, temp_33^0 -> undef3852, x_14^0 -> undef3855, x_17^0 -> undef3857, x_21^0 -> undef3858, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef3859, y_20^0 -> undef3860}> undef2310, i_28^0 -> undef2313, length_27^0 -> undef17, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2326, temp_33^0 -> undef2330}> undef46, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef65, t_24^0 -> undef66, x_17^0 -> undef74, x_21^0 -> undef75, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef76, y_20^0 -> undef77}> undef467, ct_18^0 -> undef89, head_15^0 -> undef91, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef108, t_24^0 -> (0 + x_21^0), x_14^0 -> undef115, x_17^0 -> undef117, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef119}> undef467, ct_18^0 -> undef89, head_15^0 -> undef91, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef108, t_24^0 -> (0 + x_21^0), x_14^0 -> undef115, x_17^0 -> undef117, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef119}> undef467, ct_18^0 -> undef89, head_15^0 -> undef91, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef108, t_24^0 -> (0 + x_21^0), x_14^0 -> undef115, x_17^0 -> undef117, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef119}> undef467, ct_18^0 -> undef89, head_15^0 -> undef91, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef108, t_24^0 -> (0 + x_21^0), x_14^0 -> undef115, x_17^0 -> undef117, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef119}> undef3601, head_30^0 -> undef3602, i_28^0 -> undef3605, length_27^0 -> undef3609, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef3618, temp_33^0 -> undef3622, x_14^0 -> undef3625}> undef3601, head_30^0 -> undef3602, i_28^0 -> undef3605, length_27^0 -> undef3609, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef3618, temp_33^0 -> undef3622, x_14^0 -> undef3625}> (0 + undef3777), i_28^0 -> undef3759, temp_33^0 -> undef3776}> undef1231, ct_18^0 -> undef1120, head_15^0 -> undef1122, len_129^0 -> undef1508, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef1139, t_24^0 -> undef1254, x_14^0 -> undef1146, x_17^0 -> undef1148, x_21^0 -> undef2374, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef1150, y_20^0 -> undef2376}> undef1231, ct_18^0 -> undef1120, head_15^0 -> undef1122, len_129^0 -> undef1508, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef1139, t_24^0 -> undef1254, x_14^0 -> undef1146, x_17^0 -> undef1148, x_21^0 -> undef2374, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef1150, y_20^0 -> undef2376}> undef2796, head_15^0 -> undef2499, len_129^0 -> undef2809, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2516}> undef2796, head_15^0 -> undef2499, len_129^0 -> undef2809, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2516}> undef2796, head_15^0 -> undef2499, len_129^0 -> undef2809, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2516}> undef2796, head_15^0 -> undef2499, len_129^0 -> undef2809, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2516}> undef2796, head_15^0 -> undef2499, len_129^0 -> undef2809, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2516}> undef2796, head_15^0 -> undef2499, len_129^0 -> undef2809, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2516}> undef2796, head_15^0 -> undef2499, len_129^0 -> undef2809, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2516}> undef2796, head_15^0 -> undef2499, len_129^0 -> undef2809, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2516}> Fresh variables: undef10, undef13, undef17, undef18, undef26, undef39, undef46, undef65, undef66, undef74, undef75, undef76, undef77, undef78, undef79, undef80, undef81, undef82, undef89, undef91, undef103, undef108, undef115, undef117, undef119, undef202, undef467, undef545, undef547, undef564, undef571, undef573, undef575, undef963, undef965, undef982, undef983, undef991, undef992, undef993, undef994, undef995, undef996, undef997, undef998, undef999, undef1120, undef1122, undef1139, undef1146, undef1148, undef1150, undef1231, undef1254, undef1508, undef1540, undef1541, undef1544, undef1548, undef1555, undef1556, undef1557, undef1560, undef1561, undef1562, undef1564, undef1570, undef1571, undef1572, undef1573, undef1770, undef1789, undef1798, undef1799, undef1800, undef1801, undef1884, undef1886, undef1903, undef1910, undef1912, undef1914, undef2018, undef2188, undef2190, undef2208, undef2216, undef2217, undef2218, undef2219, undef2220, undef2221, undef2222, undef2223, undef2224, undef2310, undef2313, undef2322, undef2325, undef2326, undef2330, undef2331, undef2345, undef2364, undef2373, undef2374, undef2375, undef2376, undef2498, undef2499, undef2511, undef2516, undef2524, undef2607, undef2620, undef2796, undef2809, undef2877, undef2896, undef2905, undef2906, undef2907, undef2908, undef3031, undef3041, undef3048, undef3054, undef3335, undef3337, undef3346, undef3347, undef3352, undef3441, undef3565, undef3601, undef3602, undef3604, undef3605, undef3609, undef3616, undef3617, undef3618, undef3621, undef3622, undef3623, undef3625, undef3631, undef3632, undef3759, undef3760, undef3769, undef3776, undef3777, undef3829, undef3831, undef3832, undef3835, undef3839, undef3847, undef3848, undef3849, undef3851, undef3852, undef3853, undef3855, undef3857, undef3858, undef3859, undef3860, undef3861, undef3862, undef3863, undef3864, undef3865, undef3866, undef3867, undef3868, undef3869, undef3870, undef3871, undef3872, undef3873, undef3874, undef3875, undef3885, undef3888, undef3900, undef3901, undef3905, undef3906, Undef variables: undef10, undef13, undef17, undef18, undef26, undef39, undef46, undef65, undef66, undef74, undef75, undef76, undef77, undef78, undef79, undef80, undef81, undef82, undef89, undef91, undef103, undef108, undef115, undef117, undef119, undef202, undef467, undef545, undef547, undef564, undef571, undef573, undef575, undef963, undef965, undef982, undef983, undef991, undef992, undef993, undef994, undef995, undef996, undef997, undef998, undef999, undef1120, undef1122, undef1139, undef1146, undef1148, undef1150, undef1231, undef1254, undef1508, undef1540, undef1541, undef1544, undef1548, undef1555, undef1556, undef1557, undef1560, undef1561, undef1562, undef1564, undef1570, undef1571, undef1572, undef1573, undef1770, undef1789, undef1798, undef1799, undef1800, undef1801, undef1884, undef1886, undef1903, undef1910, undef1912, undef1914, undef2018, undef2188, undef2190, undef2208, undef2216, undef2217, undef2218, undef2219, undef2220, undef2221, undef2222, undef2223, undef2224, undef2310, undef2313, undef2322, undef2325, undef2326, undef2330, undef2331, undef2345, undef2364, undef2373, undef2374, undef2375, undef2376, undef2498, undef2499, undef2511, undef2516, undef2524, undef2607, undef2620, undef2796, undef2809, undef2877, undef2896, undef2905, undef2906, undef2907, undef2908, undef3031, undef3041, undef3048, undef3054, undef3335, undef3337, undef3346, undef3347, undef3352, undef3441, undef3565, undef3601, undef3602, undef3604, undef3605, undef3609, undef3616, undef3617, undef3618, undef3621, undef3622, undef3623, undef3625, undef3631, undef3632, undef3759, undef3760, undef3769, undef3776, undef3777, undef3829, undef3831, undef3832, undef3835, undef3839, undef3847, undef3848, undef3849, undef3851, undef3852, undef3853, undef3855, undef3857, undef3858, undef3859, undef3860, undef3861, undef3862, undef3863, undef3864, undef3865, undef3866, undef3867, undef3868, undef3869, undef3870, undef3871, undef3872, undef3873, undef3874, undef3875, undef3885, undef3888, undef3900, undef3901, undef3905, undef3906, Abstraction variables: Exit nodes: Accepting locations: Asserts: ************************************************************* ******************************************************************************************* *********************** WORKING TRANSITION SYSTEM (DAG) *********************** ******************************************************************************************* Init Location: 0 Graph 0: Transitions: Variables: Graph 1: Transitions: undef3777, i_28^0 -> undef3759, temp_33^0 -> undef3776, rest remain the same}> Variables: head_30^0, i_28^0, length_27^0, temp_33^0 Graph 2: Transitions: undef2796, head_15^0 -> undef2499, len_129^0 -> undef2809, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2516, rest remain the same}> undef2796, head_15^0 -> undef2499, len_129^0 -> undef2809, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2516, rest remain the same}> undef2796, head_15^0 -> undef2499, len_129^0 -> undef2809, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2516, rest remain the same}> undef2796, head_15^0 -> undef2499, len_129^0 -> undef2809, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2516, rest remain the same}> undef2796, head_15^0 -> undef2499, len_129^0 -> undef2809, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2516, rest remain the same}> undef2796, head_15^0 -> undef2499, len_129^0 -> undef2809, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2516, rest remain the same}> undef2796, head_15^0 -> undef2499, len_129^0 -> undef2809, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2516, rest remain the same}> undef2796, head_15^0 -> undef2499, len_129^0 -> undef2809, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2516, rest remain the same}> Variables: a_144^0, head_15^0, len_129^0, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0, x_14^0 Graph 3: Transitions: undef467, ct_18^0 -> undef89, head_15^0 -> undef91, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef108, t_24^0 -> x_21^0, x_14^0 -> undef115, x_17^0 -> undef117, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef119, rest remain the same}> undef467, ct_18^0 -> undef89, head_15^0 -> undef91, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef108, t_24^0 -> x_21^0, x_14^0 -> undef115, x_17^0 -> undef117, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef119, rest remain the same}> undef467, ct_18^0 -> undef89, head_15^0 -> undef91, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef108, t_24^0 -> x_21^0, x_14^0 -> undef115, x_17^0 -> undef117, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef119, rest remain the same}> undef467, ct_18^0 -> undef89, head_15^0 -> undef91, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef108, t_24^0 -> x_21^0, x_14^0 -> undef115, x_17^0 -> undef117, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef119, rest remain the same}> Variables: a_234^0, ct_18^0, head_15^0, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0, t_24^0, x_14^0, x_17^0, x_21^0, x_SLAM_f_19^0, y_20^0 Graph 4: Transitions: Variables: Precedence: Graph 0 Graph 1 undef2310, i_28^0 -> undef2313, length_27^0 -> undef17, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2326, temp_33^0 -> undef2330, rest remain the same}> Graph 2 undef3601, head_30^0 -> undef3602, i_28^0 -> undef3605, length_27^0 -> undef3609, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef3618, temp_33^0 -> undef3622, x_14^0 -> undef3625, rest remain the same}> undef3601, head_30^0 -> undef3602, i_28^0 -> undef3605, length_27^0 -> undef3609, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef3618, temp_33^0 -> undef3622, x_14^0 -> undef3625, rest remain the same}> Graph 3 undef1231, ct_18^0 -> undef1120, head_15^0 -> undef1122, len_129^0 -> undef1508, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef1139, t_24^0 -> undef1254, x_14^0 -> undef1146, x_17^0 -> undef1148, x_21^0 -> undef2374, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef1150, y_20^0 -> undef2376, rest remain the same}> undef1231, ct_18^0 -> undef1120, head_15^0 -> undef1122, len_129^0 -> undef1508, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef1139, t_24^0 -> undef1254, x_14^0 -> undef1146, x_17^0 -> undef1148, x_21^0 -> undef2374, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef1150, y_20^0 -> undef2376, rest remain the same}> Graph 4 undef3829, head_15^0 -> undef3831, head_30^0 -> undef3832, i_28^0 -> undef3835, length_27^0 -> undef3839, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef3848, t_24^0 -> undef3849, temp_33^0 -> undef3852, x_14^0 -> undef3855, x_17^0 -> undef3857, x_21^0 -> undef3858, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef3859, y_20^0 -> undef3860, rest remain the same}> undef46, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef65, t_24^0 -> undef66, x_17^0 -> undef74, x_21^0 -> undef75, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef76, y_20^0 -> undef77, rest remain the same}> Map Locations to Subgraph: ( 0 , 0 ) ( 3 , 3 ) ( 4 , 4 ) ( 41 , 1 ) ( 42 , 2 ) ******************************************************************************************* ******************************** CHECKING ASSERTIONS ******************************** ******************************************************************************************* Proving termination of subgraph 0 Proving termination of subgraph 1 Checking unfeasibility... Time used: 0.002304 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l41}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.001617s Ranking function: -1 - i_28^0 + length_27^0 New Graphs: Proving termination of subgraph 2 Checking unfeasibility... Time used: 0.036939 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l42}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.009564s Ranking function: a_144^0 New Graphs: Proving termination of subgraph 3 Checking unfeasibility... Time used: 0.018362 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l3}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.006300s Ranking function: a_234^0 - 5*y_20^0 New Graphs: Proving termination of subgraph 4 Analyzing SCC {l4}... No cycles found. Program Terminates