NO Solver Timeout: 4 Global Timeout: 300 No parsing errors! Init Location: 0 Transitions: (2 + i1^0)}> ((0 + i2^0) + ifp2^0), k1^0 -> undef121, k2^0 -> ((0 + ifp1^0) + undef121), tempi^0 -> undef128, tempr^0 -> undef129}> ((0 + i3^0) + ip1^0), wi^0 -> undef158, wr^0 -> undef161, wtemp^0 -> (0 + wr^0)}> (0 + ifp2^0)}> (~(1) + idim^0), nprev^0 -> undef287}> undef306, theta^0 -> undef319, wi^0 -> 0, wpi^0 -> undef321, wpr^0 -> undef322, wr^0 -> 1, wtemp^0 -> undef324}> ((0 + i2^0) + ip1^0), i2rev^0 -> ((0 + i2rev^0) + ibit^0)}> ((0 + i2rev^0) + (~(1) * ibit^0)), ibit^0 -> undef411}> undef492}> (2 + i1^0)}> ((0 + i3^0) + ip2^0), i3rev^0 -> (((0 + (~(1) * i2^0)) + i2rev^0) + i3^0), tempr^0 -> undef588}> (0 + ip1^0)}> 1, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, n^0 -> undef853, nrem^0 -> undef856}> 1}> (1 + idim^0), ntot^0 -> undef911}> Fresh variables: undef121, undef128, undef129, undef158, undef161, undef287, undef306, undef319, undef321, undef322, undef324, undef411, undef492, undef588, undef595, undef848, undef849, undef850, undef853, undef856, undef911, Undef variables: undef121, undef128, undef129, undef158, undef161, undef287, undef306, undef319, undef321, undef322, undef324, undef411, undef492, undef588, undef595, undef848, undef849, undef850, undef853, undef856, undef911, Abstraction variables: Exit nodes: Accepting locations: Asserts: Preprocessed LLVMGraph Init Location: 0 Transitions: (2 + i1^0), ibit^0 -> undef492}> (2 + i1^0)}> ((0 + i3^0) + ip2^0)}> (2 + i1^0), i3^0 -> ((0 + i3^0) + ip1^0), wr^0 -> undef161}> (2 + i1^0)}> ((0 + i2^0) + ifp2^0)}> (~(1) + idim^0), ifp1^0 -> (0 + ifp2^0)}> (0 + ifp2^0), ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1}> ((0 + i3^0) + ip1^0), wr^0 -> undef161}> ((0 + i2^0) + ip1^0), i2rev^0 -> ((0 + i2rev^0) + ibit^0), idim^0 -> (~(1) + idim^0), ifp1^0 -> (0 + ip1^0)}> ((0 + i2^0) + ip1^0), i2rev^0 -> ((0 + i2rev^0) + ibit^0), ifp1^0 -> (0 + ip1^0), ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1}> ((0 + i2^0) + ip1^0), i2rev^0 -> ((0 + i2rev^0) + ibit^0), ibit^0 -> undef492}> ((0 + i2^0) + ip1^0), i2rev^0 -> ((0 + i2rev^0) + ibit^0), ibit^0 -> undef492}> ((0 + i2^0) + ip1^0), i2rev^0 -> ((0 + i2rev^0) + ibit^0)}> ((0 + i2^0) + ip1^0), i2rev^0 -> ((0 + i2rev^0) + ibit^0), idim^0 -> (~(1) + idim^0), ifp1^0 -> (0 + ip1^0)}> ((0 + i2^0) + ip1^0), i2rev^0 -> ((0 + i2rev^0) + ibit^0), ifp1^0 -> (0 + ip1^0), ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1}> ((0 + i2^0) + ip1^0), i2rev^0 -> ((0 + i2rev^0) + ibit^0), ibit^0 -> undef492}> ((0 + i2^0) + ip1^0), i2rev^0 -> ((0 + i2rev^0) + ibit^0), ibit^0 -> undef492}> ((0 + i2^0) + ip1^0), i2rev^0 -> ((0 + i2rev^0) + ibit^0)}> ((0 + i2rev^0) + (~(1) * ibit^0)), ibit^0 -> undef411}> 1, idim^0 -> (~(1) + idim^0), ifp1^0 -> (0 + undef848), ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850}> 1, ifp1^0 -> (0 + undef848), ifp2^0 -> undef306, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, wr^0 -> 1}> 1, ibit^0 -> undef492, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850}> 1, ibit^0 -> undef492, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850}> 1, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850}> (1 + idim^0)}> Fresh variables: undef121, undef128, undef129, undef158, undef161, undef287, undef306, undef319, undef321, undef322, undef324, undef411, undef492, undef588, undef595, undef848, undef849, undef850, undef853, undef856, undef911, Undef variables: undef121, undef128, undef129, undef158, undef161, undef287, undef306, undef319, undef321, undef322, undef324, undef411, undef492, undef588, undef595, undef848, undef849, undef850, undef853, undef856, undef911, Abstraction variables: Exit nodes: Accepting locations: Asserts: ************************************************************* ******************************************************************************************* *********************** WORKING TRANSITION SYSTEM (DAG) *********************** ******************************************************************************************* Init Location: 0 Graph 0: Transitions: Variables: Graph 1: Transitions: 1 + idim^0, rest remain the same}> Variables: idim^0, ndim^0 Graph 2: Transitions: 2 + i1^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> i3^0 + ip2^0, rest remain the same}> 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, idim^0 -> -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, idim^0 -> -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, rest remain the same}> i2rev^0 - ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef411, rest remain the same}> 1, idim^0 -> -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> undef848, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> 1, ifp1^0 -> undef848, ifp2^0 -> undef306, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> 1, ibit^0 -> undef492, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> 1, ibit^0 -> undef492, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> 1, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i2^0, i3^0, ibit^0, ip1^0, ip3^0, ip2^0, wr^0, ifp2^0, idim^0, ifp1^0, i2rev^0 Graph 3: Transitions: Variables: Precedence: Graph 0 Graph 1 Graph 2 Graph 3 Map Locations to Subgraph: ( 0 , 0 ) ( 5 , 2 ) ( 9 , 2 ) ( 11 , 2 ) ( 14 , 2 ) ( 17 , 2 ) ( 23 , 3 ) ( 25 , 1 ) ******************************************************************************************* ******************************** CHECKING ASSERTIONS ******************************** ******************************************************************************************* Proving termination of subgraph 0 Proving termination of subgraph 1 Checking unfeasibility... Time used: 0.000881 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l25}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000655s Ranking function: -idim^0 + ndim^0 New Graphs: Proving termination of subgraph 2 Checking unfeasibility... Time used: 4.00233 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l5, l9, l11, l14, l17}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.019113s Ranking function: idim^0 New Graphs: Transitions: 2 + i1^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> i3^0 + ip2^0, rest remain the same}> 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> 1, idim^0 -> ((0 + ~(1)) + 0) + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> undef848, ifp2^0 -> undef306, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> 1, ibit^0 -> undef492, idim^0 -> ((0 + ~(1)) + 0) + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ifp2^0, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> 1, ibit^0 -> undef492, idim^0 -> ((0 + ~(1)) + 0) + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ifp2^0, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> 1, idim^0 -> ((0 + ~(1)) + 0) + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ifp2^0, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> ((0 + 0) + 0) + i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> 1, idim^0 -> ((0 + ~(1)) + 0) + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> undef848, ifp2^0 -> undef306, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> ((0 + 0) + 0) + i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> 1, ibit^0 -> undef492, idim^0 -> ((0 + ~(1)) + 0) + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> ((0 + 0) + 0) + i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> 1, ibit^0 -> undef492, idim^0 -> ((0 + ~(1)) + 0) + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> ((0 + 0) + 0) + i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> 1, idim^0 -> ((0 + ~(1)) + 0) + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, rest remain the same}> ((0 + 0) + 0) + i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> 1, idim^0 -> ((0 + ~(1)) + 0) + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> undef848, ifp2^0 -> undef306, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> ((0 + 0) + 0) + i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> 1, ibit^0 -> undef492, idim^0 -> ((0 + ~(1)) + 0) + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> ((0 + 0) + 0) + i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> 1, ibit^0 -> undef492, idim^0 -> ((0 + ~(1)) + 0) + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> ((0 + 0) + 0) + i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> 1, idim^0 -> ((0 + ~(1)) + 0) + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, rest remain the same}> i2rev^0 - ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef411, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i2^0, i2rev^0, i3^0, ibit^0, idim^0, ifp1^0, ifp2^0, ip1^0, ip2^0, ip3^0, wr^0 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l5, l9, l11, l14}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.022098s Ranking function: 4 + idim^0 New Graphs: Transitions: 2 + i1^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> i3^0 + ip2^0, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, rest remain the same}> i2rev^0 - ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef411, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i2^0, i2rev^0, i3^0, ibit^0, ip1^0, ip2^0, ip3^0 Transitions: 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i2^0, i3^0, ifp1^0, ifp2^0, ip1^0, ip2^0, ip3^0, wr^0 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l5, l14}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003929s LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.041423s Trying to remove transition: i2rev^0 - ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef411, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.035244s Time used: 0.031477 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.095918s Time used: 0.089449 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.052586s Time used: 0.040197 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.042236s Time used: 0.02993 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.074451s Time used: 0.06471 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.058981s Time used: 0.046436 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.048230s Time used: 0.035771 Trying to remove transition: i3^0 + ip2^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.030612s Time used: 0.020814 Trying to remove transition: 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.758191s Time used: 0.750847 Trying to remove transition: 2 + i1^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.053318s Time used: 0.042044 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.279167s Time used: 1.26846 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 1.279167s Cost: 0; Total time: 1.26846 Termination implied by a set of invariant(s): Invariant at l5: i2^0 <= ip2^0 Invariant at l9: 1 + ip1^0 <= ip2^0 Invariant at l11: 1 + ip1^0 <= ip2^0 Invariant at l14: i2^0 <= 1 + ip2^0 [ Invariant Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 2 + i1^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i3^0 + ip2^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, idim^0 -> -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, idim^0 -> -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2rev^0 - ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef411, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility [ Termination Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 2 + i1^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i3^0 + ip2^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2rev^0 - ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef411, rest remain the same}> Ranking function: -i1^0 + ip1^0 + ip2^0 New Graphs: Transitions: 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i2^0, i3^0, ifp1^0, ifp2^0, ip1^0, ip2^0, ip3^0, wr^0 Transitions: 2 + i1^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i3^0 + ip2^0, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, rest remain the same}> i2rev^0 - ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef411, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i2^0, i2rev^0, i3^0, ibit^0, ip1^0, ip2^0, ip3^0 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l9, l11}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.001801s LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.014305s Trying to remove transition: i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.018529s Time used: 0.017337 Trying to remove transition: ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.027264s Time used: 0.023128 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.017688s Time used: 0.013531 Trying to remove transition: 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.375979s Time used: 0.373868 Trying to remove transition: 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.031544s Time used: 0.025967 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.917277s Time used: 1.91085 Improving Solution with cost 1 ... LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 1.001905s Time used: 1.0019 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 2.919182s Cost: 1; Total time: 2.91275 Failed at location 17: 1 + idim^0 <= 0 Before Improving: Quasi-invariant at l5: 1 <= 0 Quasi-invariant at l9: 1 <= 0 Quasi-invariant at l11: 1 <= 0 Quasi-invariant at l14: 1 <= 0 Quasi-invariant at l17: 1 + idim^0 <= 0 Optimizing invariants... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.027893s Remaining time after improvement: 0.986077 Termination implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): Quasi-invariant at l5: 1 <= 0 Quasi-invariant at l9: 1 <= 0 Quasi-invariant at l11: 1 <= 0 Quasi-invariant at l14: 1 <= 0 Quasi-invariant at l17: 1 + idim^0 <= 0 [ Invariant Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 2 + i1^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i3^0 + ip2^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, idim^0 -> -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, idim^0 -> -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2rev^0 - ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef411, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 1, idim^0 -> -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> undef848, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 1, ifp1^0 -> undef848, ifp2^0 -> undef306, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 1, ibit^0 -> undef492, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 1, ibit^0 -> undef492, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 1, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> [ Termination Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: New Graphs: Transitions: 2 + i1^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i3^0 + ip2^0, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, rest remain the same}> i2rev^0 - ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef411, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i2^0, i2rev^0, i3^0, ibit^0, ip1^0, ip2^0, ip3^0 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l5, l14}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.004604s LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.067565s Trying to remove transition: i2rev^0 - ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef411, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.045464s Time used: 0.040998 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.062360s Time used: 0.053794 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.054345s Time used: 0.041455 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.044278s Time used: 0.032524 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.070131s Time used: 0.06002 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.067428s Time used: 0.054424 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.052966s Time used: 0.040545 Trying to remove transition: i3^0 + ip2^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.036925s Time used: 0.027703 Trying to remove transition: 2 + i1^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.066050s Time used: 0.058679 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.023207s Time used: 0.005763 Solving with 2 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.095542s Time used: 0.095036 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.095542s Cost: 0; Total time: 0.095036 Termination implied by a set of invariant(s): Invariant at l5: 1 + i3^0 + ip2^0 <= i2^0 + ip3^0 [ Invariant Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... [ Termination Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... > It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 2 + i1^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i3^0 + ip2^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility New Graphs: Transitions: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2rev^0 - ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef411, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i2^0, i2rev^0, ibit^0, ip1^0, ip2^0 Transitions: i3^0 + ip2^0, rest remain the same}> Variables: i2^0, i3^0, ip2^0, ip3^0 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l14}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002696s LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.031164s Trying to remove transition: i2rev^0 - ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef411, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.018732s Time used: 0.016723 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.020460s Time used: 0.017728 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.019234s Time used: 0.015748 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.022136s Time used: 0.019846 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.020019s Time used: 0.016667 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.007002s Time used: 0.00329 Solving with 2 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.050794s Time used: 0.050431 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.050794s Cost: 0; Total time: 0.050431 Termination implied by a set of invariant(s): Invariant at l14: i2rev^0 <= ibit^0 [ Invariant Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... [ Termination Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... > It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2rev^0 - ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef411, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> New Graphs: Transitions: i3^0 + ip2^0, rest remain the same}> Variables: i2^0, i3^0, ip2^0, ip3^0 Transitions: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i2^0, i2rev^0, ibit^0, ip1^0, ip2^0 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l5}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000617s LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002037s Trying to remove transition: i3^0 + ip2^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.007372s Time used: 0.007261 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.001643s Time used: 0.000906 Solving with 2 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.014197s Time used: 0.01413 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.014197s Cost: 0; Total time: 0.01413 Termination implied by a set of invariant(s): Invariant at l5: ip3^0 <= i3^0 [ Invariant Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... [ Termination Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... > It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i3^0 + ip2^0, rest remain the same}> New Graphs: Transitions: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i2^0, i2rev^0, ibit^0, ip1^0, ip2^0 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l14}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003664s LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030754s Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.016476s Time used: 0.015041 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.015789s Time used: 0.013506 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.026102s Time used: 0.024206 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.019062s Time used: 0.016657 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.005893s Time used: 0.003101 Solving with 2 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.045418s Time used: 0.045113 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.045418s Cost: 0; Total time: 0.045113 Termination implied by a set of invariant(s): Invariant at l14: ip1^0 <= 1 + i2^0 [ Invariant Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... [ Termination Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... > It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> New Graphs: Transitions: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i2^0, i2rev^0, ibit^0, ip1^0, ip2^0 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l14}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002304s LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.013913s Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.014601s Time used: 0.013542 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.013813s Time used: 0.01202 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.015982s Time used: 0.014586 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.004380s Time used: 0.002296 Solving with 2 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.043715s Time used: 0.04356 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.043715s Cost: 0; Total time: 0.04356 Termination implied by a set of invariant(s): Invariant at l14: 1 + ip2^0 <= i2rev^0 + ip1^0 [ Invariant Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... [ Termination Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... > It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> New Graphs: Transitions: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i2^0, i2rev^0, ibit^0, ip1^0, ip2^0 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l14}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000881s LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.004277s Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.012132s Time used: 0.011967 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.002424s Time used: 0.001322 Solving with 2 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.015748s Time used: 0.015664 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.015748s Cost: 0; Total time: 0.015664 Termination implied by a set of invariant(s): Invariant at l14: ibit^0 + ip1^0 <= ip2^0 [ Invariant Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... [ Termination Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... > It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> New Graphs: INVARIANTS: 5: i2^0 <= ip2^0 , 9: 1 + ip1^0 <= ip2^0 , 11: 1 + ip1^0 <= ip2^0 , 14: i2^0 <= 1 + ip2^0 , Quasi-INVARIANTS to narrow Graph: 5: 9: 11: 14: Calling Safety with literal 1 + idim^0 <= 0 and entry LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + idim^0 <= 0 - Process 1 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : 1 + idim^0 <= 0 FIXED: Entro call FIXED (try DiffLogic): 0 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.002698s Time used: 4.0026 FIXED (FARKAS): fail FIXED (FARKAS): 4.00415 FIXED: Entro call FIXED (try DiffLogic): 0 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.005893s Time used: 4.00322 FIXED (FARKAS): fail FIXED (FARKAS): 4.00762 LOG: Try proving POST Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.012066s Time used: 0.009583 Improving Solution with cost 51 ... LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 1.003028s Time used: 1.00302 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 1.015093s Cost: 51; Total time: 1.0126 Failed at location 25: 1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0 Before Improving: Quasi-invariant at l25: 1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0 Optimizing invariants... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.013626s Remaining time after improvement: 0.998453 Some transition disabled by a set of quasi-invariant(s): Quasi-invariant at l25: 1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0 LOG: NEXT CALL check - disable LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0 - Process 2 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : 1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002106s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.002139s Solving with 2 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.019538s Time used: 0.019424 Improving Solution with cost 2 ... LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 1.002449s Time used: 1.00244 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 1.021987s Cost: 2; Total time: 1.02187 Failed at location 25: 1 + idim^0 <= 0 Failed at location 25: 1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0 Before Improving: Quasi-invariant at l25: 1 + idim^0 <= 0 Quasi-invariant at l25: 1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0 Optimizing invariants... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003146s Remaining time after improvement: 0.998743 Postcondition implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): Quasi-invariant at l25: 1 + idim^0 <= 0 Quasi-invariant at l25: 1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0 Postcondition: 1 + idim^0 <= 0 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + idim^0 <= 0 - Process 3 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : 1 + idim^0 <= 0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002218s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.002247s Postcondition: 1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0 - Process 4 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : 1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002047s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.002077s LOG: NarrowEntry size 2 INVARIANTS: 25: Quasi-INVARIANTS to narrow Graph: 25: 1 + idim^0 <= 0 , 1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0 , Narrowing transition: 1 + idim^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 2 ENTRIES: END ENTRIES: GRAPH: 1 + idim^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + idim^0, rest remain the same}> END GRAPH: EXIT: POST: 1 + idim^0 <= 0 LOG: Try proving POST Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.003845s Time used: 4.00375 Solving with 2 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.067949s Time used: 0.064627 Improving Solution with cost 3 ... LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 1.002641s Time used: 1.00263 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 1.070590s Cost: 3; Total time: 1.06725 Failed at location 25: idim^0 <= 1 + ndim^0 Failed at location 25: 2 + ndim^0 <= 0 Failed at location 25: 2 + ndim^0 <= 0 Before Improving: Quasi-invariant at l25: idim^0 <= 1 + ndim^0 Quasi-invariant at l25: 2 + ndim^0 <= 0 Optimizing invariants... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.005562s Remaining time after improvement: 0.997998 Postcondition implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): Quasi-invariant at l25: idim^0 <= 1 + ndim^0 Quasi-invariant at l25: 2 + ndim^0 <= 0 Postcondition: 2 + ndim^0 <= 0 LOG: CALL check - Post:2 + ndim^0 <= 0 - Process 5 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : 2 + ndim^0 <= 0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002500s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.002541s Postcondition: idim^0 <= 1 + ndim^0 LOG: CALL check - Post:idim^0 <= 1 + ndim^0 - Process 6 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : idim^0 <= 1 + ndim^0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002194s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.002230s Postcondition: 2 + ndim^0 <= 0 LOG: CALL check - Post:2 + ndim^0 <= 0 - Process 7 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : 2 + ndim^0 <= 0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.001884s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.001914s LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 LOG: NarrowEntry size 2 INVARIANTS: 25: Quasi-INVARIANTS to narrow Graph: 25: 2 + ndim^0 <= 0 , idim^0 <= 1 + ndim^0 , Narrowing transition: 1 + idim^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 2 Narrowing transition: 1 + idim^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 2 ENTRIES: END ENTRIES: GRAPH: 1 + idim^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + idim^0, rest remain the same}> END GRAPH: EXIT: POST: 1 + idim^0 <= 0 LOG: Try proving POST Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.004541s Time used: 4.00445 Solving with 2 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.006870s Time used: 4.00339 Solving with 3 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.005268s Time used: 1.00304 LOG: Postcondition is not implied - no solution > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 24.220738s INVARIANTS: 5: 9: 11: 14: 17: Quasi-INVARIANTS to narrow Graph: 5: 1 <= 0 , 9: 1 <= 0 , 11: 1 <= 0 , 14: 1 <= 0 , 17: 1 + idim^0 <= 0 , INVARIANTS: 5: 1 + i3^0 + ip2^0 <= i2^0 + ip3^0 , Quasi-INVARIANTS to narrow Graph: 5: INVARIANTS: 14: i2rev^0 <= ibit^0 , Quasi-INVARIANTS to narrow Graph: 14: INVARIANTS: 5: ip3^0 <= i3^0 , Quasi-INVARIANTS to narrow Graph: 5: INVARIANTS: 14: ip1^0 <= 1 + i2^0 , Quasi-INVARIANTS to narrow Graph: 14: INVARIANTS: 14: 1 + ip2^0 <= i2rev^0 + ip1^0 , Quasi-INVARIANTS to narrow Graph: 14: INVARIANTS: 14: ibit^0 + ip1^0 <= ip2^0 , Quasi-INVARIANTS to narrow Graph: 14: It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 2 + i1^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i3^0 + ip2^0, rest remain the same}> Narrowing transition: 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: LOG: Narrow transition size 1 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, idim^0 -> -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, rest remain the same}> It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, rest remain the same}> It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, idim^0 -> -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, rest remain the same}> It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ifp1^0 -> ip1^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef492, rest remain the same}> It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ip1^0, i2rev^0 -> i2rev^0 + ibit^0, rest remain the same}> It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2rev^0 - ibit^0, ibit^0 -> undef411, rest remain the same}> Narrowing transition: 1, idim^0 -> -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> undef848, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 1, ifp1^0 -> undef848, ifp2^0 -> undef306, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 1, ibit^0 -> undef492, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 1, ibit^0 -> undef492, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 1, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> invGraph after Narrowing: Transitions: 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> 1, idim^0 -> -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> undef848, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> 1, ifp1^0 -> undef848, ifp2^0 -> undef306, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i2^0, i3^0, ibit^0, ip1^0, ip3^0, ip2^0, wr^0, ifp2^0, idim^0, ifp1^0, i2rev^0 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l9, l11, l17}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.007420s Ranking function: idim^0 New Graphs: Transitions: 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> 1, idim^0 -> ((0 + ~(1)) + 0) + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> undef848, ifp2^0 -> undef306, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i2^0, i2rev^0, i3^0, idim^0, ifp1^0, ifp2^0, ip1^0, ip2^0, ip3^0, wr^0 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l9, l11}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.006691s Ranking function: 4 + idim^0 New Graphs: Transitions: 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i2^0, i3^0, ifp1^0, ifp2^0, ip1^0, ip2^0, ip3^0, wr^0 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l9, l11}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002888s LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.017466s Trying to remove transition: i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.032829s Time used: 0.031505 Trying to remove transition: ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.038145s Time used: 0.031978 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.035217s Time used: 0.029093 Trying to remove transition: 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.497785s Time used: 0.492754 Trying to remove transition: 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.048512s Time used: 0.041127 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.720559s Time used: 0.714331 Improving Solution with cost 1 ... LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 0.899618s Time used: 0.899611 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 1.620177s Cost: 1; Total time: 1.61394 Failed at location 17: idim^0 <= 0 Before Improving: Quasi-invariant at l9: 1 <= 0 Quasi-invariant at l11: 1 <= 0 Quasi-invariant at l17: idim^0 <= 0 Optimizing invariants... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.013417s Remaining time after improvement: 0.992065 Termination implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): Quasi-invariant at l9: 1 <= 0 Quasi-invariant at l11: 1 <= 0 Quasi-invariant at l17: idim^0 <= 0 [ Invariant Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 1, idim^0 -> -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> undef848, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 1, ifp1^0 -> undef848, ifp2^0 -> undef306, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> [ Termination Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... > It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> > It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> > It's unfeasible. Removing transition: LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> New Graphs: Calling Safety with literal idim^0 <= 0 and entry LOG: CALL check - Post:idim^0 <= 0 - Process 8 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : idim^0 <= 0 FIXED: Entro call FIXED (try DiffLogic): 0 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.002262s Time used: 4.00216 FIXED (FARKAS): fail FIXED (FARKAS): 4.00364 FIXED: Entro call FIXED (try DiffLogic): 0 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.015806s Time used: 4.00928 FIXED (FARKAS): fail FIXED (FARKAS): 4.01723 LOG: Try proving POST Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.012643s Time used: 0.01012 Improving Solution with cost 51 ... LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 1.035424s Time used: 1.03541 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 1.048067s Cost: 51; Total time: 1.04553 Failed at location 25: 1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0 Before Improving: Quasi-invariant at l25: 1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0 Optimizing invariants... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.013873s Remaining time after improvement: 0.998453 Some transition disabled by a set of quasi-invariant(s): Quasi-invariant at l25: 1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0 LOG: NEXT CALL check - disable LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0 - Process 9 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : 1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002902s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.002943s Solving with 2 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.016127s Time used: 0.016006 Improving Solution with cost 2 ... LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 1.003683s Time used: 1.00367 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 1.019809s Cost: 2; Total time: 1.01968 Failed at location 25: 1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0 Failed at location 25: 1 + idim^0 <= 0 Before Improving: Quasi-invariant at l25: 1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0 Quasi-invariant at l25: 1 + idim^0 <= 0 Optimizing invariants... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.006343s Quasi-invariant improved LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.001110s Remaining time after improvement: 0.994672 Postcondition implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): Quasi-invariant at l25: 1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0 Quasi-invariant at l25: idim^0 <= 0 Postcondition: 1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0 LOG: Postcondition is not implied - Post: 1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0 - Already checked Already checked with failure Postcondition: idim^0 <= 0 LOG: CALL check - Post:idim^0 <= 0 - Process 10 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : idim^0 <= 0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002558s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.002584s LOG: NarrowEntry size 2 INVARIANTS: 25: Quasi-INVARIANTS to narrow Graph: 25: 1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0 , idim^0 <= 0 , Narrowing transition: 1 + idim^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 2 ENTRIES: END ENTRIES: GRAPH: 1 + idim^0, rest remain the same}> END GRAPH: EXIT: POST: idim^0 <= 0 LOG: Try proving POST Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.002456s Time used: 4.00236 Solving with 2 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.027539s Time used: 0.019721 Improving Solution with cost 3 ... LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 1.017866s Time used: 1.01786 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 1.045405s Cost: 3; Total time: 1.03758 Failed at location 25: 1 + ndim^0 <= 0 Failed at location 25: 1 + ndim^0 <= 0 Failed at location 25: idim^0 <= 1 + ndim^0 Before Improving: Quasi-invariant at l25: 1 + ndim^0 <= 0 Quasi-invariant at l25: idim^0 <= 1 + ndim^0 Optimizing invariants... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003680s Remaining time after improvement: 0.998344 Postcondition implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): Quasi-invariant at l25: 1 + ndim^0 <= 0 Quasi-invariant at l25: idim^0 <= 1 + ndim^0 Postcondition: 1 + ndim^0 <= 0 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + ndim^0 <= 0 - Process 11 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : 1 + ndim^0 <= 0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003234s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.003274s Postcondition: idim^0 <= 1 + ndim^0 LOG: CALL check - Post:idim^0 <= 1 + ndim^0 - Process 12 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : idim^0 <= 1 + ndim^0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002810s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.002861s Postcondition: 1 + ndim^0 <= 0 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + ndim^0 <= 0 - Process 13 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : 1 + ndim^0 <= 0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002338s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.002371s LOG: NarrowEntry size 2 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 INVARIANTS: 25: Quasi-INVARIANTS to narrow Graph: 25: 1 + ndim^0 <= 0 , idim^0 <= 1 + ndim^0 , Narrowing transition: 1 + idim^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 2 ENTRIES: END ENTRIES: GRAPH: 1 + idim^0, rest remain the same}> END GRAPH: EXIT: POST: idim^0 <= 0 LOG: Try proving POST Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.006112s Time used: 4.00601 Solving with 2 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.007939s Time used: 4.0051 Solving with 3 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.006944s Time used: 1.00497 LOG: Postcondition is not implied - no solution > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 24.245578s INVARIANTS: 9: 11: 17: Quasi-INVARIANTS to narrow Graph: 9: 1 <= 0 , 11: 1 <= 0 , 17: idim^0 <= 0 , Narrowing transition: 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 1, idim^0 -> -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> undef848, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 1, ifp1^0 -> undef848, ifp2^0 -> undef306, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 invGraph after Narrowing: Transitions: 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> 1, idim^0 -> -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> undef848, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> 1, ifp1^0 -> undef848, ifp2^0 -> undef306, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i2^0, i3^0, ibit^0, ip1^0, ip3^0, ip2^0, wr^0, ifp2^0, idim^0, ifp1^0, i2rev^0 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l9, l11, l17}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.008012s Ranking function: 4 + idim^0 New Graphs: Transitions: 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> 1, idim^0 -> ((0 + ~(1)) + 0) + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> undef848, ifp2^0 -> undef306, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i2^0, i2rev^0, i3^0, idim^0, ifp1^0, ifp2^0, ip1^0, ip2^0, ip3^0, wr^0 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l9, l11}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.007313s Ranking function: 4 + idim^0 New Graphs: Transitions: 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i2^0, i3^0, ifp1^0, ifp2^0, ip1^0, ip2^0, ip3^0, wr^0 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l9, l11}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003004s LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.017866s Trying to remove transition: i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.033912s Time used: 0.032505 Trying to remove transition: ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.039633s Time used: 0.034241 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.036390s Time used: 0.029898 Trying to remove transition: 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.512358s Time used: 0.507282 Trying to remove transition: 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.049808s Time used: 0.04225 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.008531s Time used: 4.00265 Solving with 2 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 2.205281s Time used: 2.20183 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 2.205281s Cost: 0; Total time: 2.20183 Termination implied by a set of invariant(s): Invariant at l9: i3^0 <= 1 + ifp1^0 Invariant at l9: 1 + ifp1^0 <= ip2^0 Invariant at l11: 1 + ifp1^0 <= ip2^0 [ Invariant Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility [ Termination Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): Ranking function: -i1^0 - ip1^0 + 3*ip2^0 New Graphs: Transitions: 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i2^0, i3^0, ifp1^0, ifp2^0, ip1^0, ip2^0, ip3^0, wr^0 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l9, l11}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002880s LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.013762s Trying to remove transition: i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.027009s Time used: 0.025588 Trying to remove transition: ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.034797s Time used: 0.030297 Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.033441s Time used: 0.02846 Trying to remove transition: 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.048815s Time used: 0.043278 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.247808s Time used: 0.242258 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.247808s Cost: 0; Total time: 0.242258 Termination implied by a set of invariant(s): Invariant at l9: 1 + i1^0 <= i3^0 + ip1^0 [ Invariant Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility [ Termination Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Ranking function: -i1^0 + 2*ip2^0 New Graphs: Transitions: ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i3^0, ifp1^0, ifp2^0, ip1^0, ip2^0, wr^0 Transitions: i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i2^0, i3^0, ifp1^0, ifp2^0, ip1^0, ip2^0, ip3^0 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l11}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.001763s LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.006105s Trying to remove transition: i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.013954s Time used: 0.013458 Trying to remove transition: ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.016368s Time used: 0.015114 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.998018s Time used: 0.997167 Solving with 2 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.727102s Time used: 1.72357 Improving Solution with cost 1 ... LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 1.002833s Time used: 1.00282 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 2.729934s Cost: 1; Total time: 2.72639 Failed at location 17: i2^0 <= i3^0 Before Improving: Quasi-invariant at l9: 1 <= 0 Quasi-invariant at l9: ip1^0 <= ip2^0 Quasi-invariant at l11: 1 + ip2^0 <= i2^0 Quasi-invariant at l11: i2^0 <= i3^0 Quasi-invariant at l17: i2^0 <= i3^0 Optimizing invariants... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.015859s Remaining time after improvement: 0.991037 Termination implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): Quasi-invariant at l9: 1 <= 0 Quasi-invariant at l9: ip1^0 <= ip2^0 Quasi-invariant at l11: 1 + ip2^0 <= i2^0 Quasi-invariant at l11: i2^0 <= i3^0 Quasi-invariant at l17: i2^0 <= i3^0 [ Invariant Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1, idim^0 -> -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> undef848, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1, ifp1^0 -> undef848, ifp2^0 -> undef306, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> [ Termination Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> New Graphs: Transitions: i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i2^0, i3^0, ifp1^0, ifp2^0, ip1^0, ip2^0, ip3^0 Transitions: ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> Variables: i3^0, ifp1^0, ifp2^0, ip1^0, ip2^0, wr^0 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l9}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000969s LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.004308s Trying to remove transition: i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.014666s Time used: 0.014276 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.026477s Time used: 0.025437 Solving with 2 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.104203s Time used: 0.102076 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.104203s Cost: 0; Total time: 0.102076 Termination implied by a set of invariant(s): Invariant at l9: ip2^0 <= ifp2^0 + ip1^0 Invariant at l11: i2rev^0 + ip2^0 <= i2^0 + idim^0 [ Invariant Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility [ Termination Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> Ranking function: -i2^0 + ip3^0 New Graphs: Transitions: ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> Variables: i3^0, ifp1^0, ifp2^0, ip1^0, ip2^0, wr^0 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l11}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000951s LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003642s Trying to remove transition: ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.017932s Time used: 0.017754 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.078820s Time used: 0.078106 Solving with 2 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.003483s Time used: 4.00001 Solving with 3 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.002305s Time used: 1.00021 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.050150s Time used: 0.041843 Proving non-termination of subgraph 2 Transitions: 2 + i1^0, i3^0 -> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> 2 + i1^0, rest remain the same}> i2^0 + ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> ifp2^0, rest remain the same}> ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> 1, idim^0 -> -1 + idim^0, ifp1^0 -> undef848, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, rest remain the same}> 1, ifp1^0 -> undef848, ifp2^0 -> undef306, ip1^0 -> undef848, ip2^0 -> undef849, ip3^0 -> undef850, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i2^0, i3^0, ibit^0, ip1^0, ip3^0, ip2^0, wr^0, ifp2^0, idim^0, ifp1^0, i2rev^0 Checking that every undef value has an assignment... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.005724s Checking conditional non-termination of SCC {l9, l11, l17}... EXIT TRANSITIONS: Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 5.000247s Time used: 5.00005 Solving with 2 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 5.014824s Time used: 5.00041 Solving with 3 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 5.011871s Time used: 5.00004 > Checking if the negation of the conditions of every pending exit is quasi-invariant... NO Proving non-termination of subgraph 2 Transitions: ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> Variables: i1^0, i3^0, ifp1^0, ifp2^0, ip1^0, ip2^0, wr^0 Checking conditional non-termination of SCC {l11}... EXIT TRANSITIONS: Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.042837s Time used: 0.042555 Improving Solution with cost 1 ... LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 0.102769s Time used: 0.102766 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.145606s Cost: 1; Total time: 0.145321 Minimizing number of undef constraints... LOG: CALL solveNonLinear LOG: RETURN solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.021089s Number of undef constraints reduced! Non-termination implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): Quasi-invariant at l11: 1 + ifp2^0 <= ip2^0 Constraint over undef 'undef306 <= ifp2^0' in transition: ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> Strengthening and disabling EXIT transitions... Closed exits from l11: 1 Strengthening exit transition (result): Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> Checking conditional non-termination of SCC {l11}... EXIT TRANSITIONS: Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 3.141237s Time used: 3.13742 Solving with 2 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.172330s Time used: 0.169722 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.172330s Cost: 0; Total time: 0.169722 Minimizing number of undef constraints... LOG: CALL solveNonLinear LOG: RETURN solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.022251s Number of undef constraints reduced! Non-termination implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): Quasi-invariant at l11: ifp2^0 <= ifp1^0 Quasi-invariant at l11: ifp1^0 + ip2^0 <= i3^0 + ifp2^0 Strengthening and disabling EXIT transitions... Closed exits from l11: 1 Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): ifp2^0, ifp2^0 -> undef306, wr^0 -> 1, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: i3^0 + ip1^0, wr^0 -> undef161, rest remain the same}> Calling reachability with... Transition: Conditions: OPEN EXITS: --- Reachability graph --- > Graph without transitions. Calling reachability with... Transition: Conditions: OPEN EXITS: --- Reachability graph --- > Graph without transitions. Calling reachability with... Transition: Conditions: 1 + ndim^0 <= idim^0, OPEN EXITS: > Conditions are reachable! Program does NOT terminate