NO Solver Timeout: 4 Global Timeout: 300 No parsing errors! Init Location: 0 Transitions: ~(1)) /\ (arg2 > 0) /\ (undef2 <= arg1) /\ (arg1 > 0) /\ (undef1 > 2) /\ (undef2 > 0), par{arg1 -> undef1, arg2 -> undef2, arg3 -> arg2, arg4 -> undef4, arg5 -> undef5}> 0) /\ (undef8 <= arg1) /\ (arg1 > 0) /\ (undef7 > 1) /\ (undef8 > 0), par{arg1 -> undef7, arg2 -> undef8, arg3 -> arg2, arg4 -> undef10, arg5 -> undef11}> = undef12) /\ (arg3 > 1) /\ (undef12 <= arg2) /\ (arg1 >= undef13) /\ (arg1 >= (undef14 - 1)) /\ ((undef14 - 1) <= arg2) /\ (arg1 > 0) /\ (arg2 > 0) /\ (undef12 > 0) /\ (undef13 > 0) /\ (undef14 > 1) /\ (arg1 >= (undef16 + 2)), par{arg1 -> undef12, arg2 -> undef13, arg3 -> undef14, arg4 -> arg3, arg5 -> undef16}> ~(1)) /\ (arg3 > 1) /\ (undef17 <= arg1) /\ (undef17 <= arg2) /\ (undef18 <= arg1) /\ (arg1 > 0) /\ (arg2 > 0) /\ (undef17 > 0) /\ (undef18 > 0) /\ (undef19 > 2) /\ ((undef21 + 2) <= arg1), par{arg1 -> undef17, arg2 -> undef18, arg3 -> undef19, arg4 -> arg3, arg5 -> undef21}> ~(1)) /\ (arg2 > 0) /\ (arg1 > 0), par{arg1 -> undef23, arg2 -> undef24, arg3 -> undef25, arg4 -> undef26, arg5 -> undef27}> ~(1)) /\ (arg3 > 1) /\ (arg1 > 0) /\ (arg2 > 0), par{arg1 -> undef28, arg2 -> undef29, arg3 -> undef30, arg4 -> undef31, arg5 -> undef32}> 0) /\ ((arg1 - 1) < arg1), par{arg1 -> (arg1 - 1), arg2 -> undef34, arg3 -> undef35, arg4 -> undef36, arg5 -> undef37}> 1) /\ (undef39 <= arg3) /\ (undef40 <= arg3) /\ ((undef41 + 1) <= arg3) /\ (arg1 > 0) /\ (arg2 > 0) /\ (arg3 > 0) /\ (undef38 > 0) /\ (undef39 > 0) /\ (undef40 > 0) /\ (undef41 > ~(1)) /\ ((arg5 + 2) <= arg2), par{arg1 -> undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, arg5 -> undef42}> 0) /\ (arg2 > 1) /\ (arg3 > 2) /\ (arg4 > 0) /\ (undef43 > 0) /\ (undef44 > 2) /\ (undef45 > 2) /\ (undef46 > 0), par{arg1 -> undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, arg5 -> undef47}> 2) /\ (arg2 > 2) /\ (arg3 > 2) /\ (arg4 > 0) /\ (undef48 > 0) /\ (undef49 > 0) /\ (undef50 > 2) /\ (undef51 > 0), par{arg1 -> undef48, arg2 -> undef49, arg3 -> undef50, arg4 -> undef51, arg5 -> undef52}> undef53, arg2 -> undef54, arg3 -> undef55, arg4 -> undef56, arg5 -> undef57}> Fresh variables: undef1, undef2, undef4, undef5, undef6, undef7, undef8, undef10, undef11, undef12, undef13, undef14, undef16, undef17, undef18, undef19, undef21, undef22, undef23, undef24, undef25, undef26, undef27, undef28, undef29, undef30, undef31, undef32, undef34, undef35, undef36, undef37, undef38, undef39, undef40, undef41, undef42, undef43, undef44, undef45, undef46, undef47, undef48, undef49, undef50, undef51, undef52, undef53, undef54, undef55, undef56, undef57, Undef variables: undef1, undef2, undef4, undef5, undef6, undef7, undef8, undef10, undef11, undef12, undef13, undef14, undef16, undef17, undef18, undef19, undef21, undef22, undef23, undef24, undef25, undef26, undef27, undef28, undef29, undef30, undef31, undef32, undef34, undef35, undef36, undef37, undef38, undef39, undef40, undef41, undef42, undef43, undef44, undef45, undef46, undef47, undef48, undef49, undef50, undef51, undef52, undef53, undef54, undef55, undef56, undef57, Abstraction variables: Exit nodes: Accepting locations: Asserts: Preprocessed LLVMGraph Init Location: 0 Transitions: ~(1)) /\ (undef54 > 0) /\ (undef2 <= undef53) /\ (undef53 > 0) /\ (undef1 > 2) /\ (undef2 > 0) /\ (undef1 >= undef12) /\ (undef54 > 1) /\ (undef12 <= undef2) /\ (undef1 >= undef13) /\ (undef1 >= (undef14 - 1)) /\ ((undef14 - 1) <= undef2) /\ (undef1 > 0) /\ (undef2 > 0) /\ (undef12 > 0) /\ (undef13 > 0) /\ (undef14 > 1) /\ (undef1 >= (undef16 + 2)) /\ (undef38 <= undef13) /\ (undef54 > 1) /\ (undef39 <= undef14) /\ (undef40 <= undef14) /\ ((undef41 + 1) <= undef14) /\ (undef12 > 0) /\ (undef13 > 0) /\ (undef14 > 0) /\ (undef38 > 0) /\ (undef39 > 0) /\ (undef40 > 0) /\ (undef41 > ~(1)) /\ ((undef16 + 2) <= undef13), par{arg1 -> undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41}> ~(1)) /\ (undef54 > 0) /\ (undef2 <= undef53) /\ (undef53 > 0) /\ (undef1 > 2) /\ (undef2 > 0) /\ (undef22 > ~(1)) /\ (undef54 > 1) /\ (undef17 <= undef1) /\ (undef17 <= undef2) /\ (undef18 <= undef1) /\ (undef1 > 0) /\ (undef2 > 0) /\ (undef17 > 0) /\ (undef18 > 0) /\ (undef19 > 2) /\ ((undef21 + 2) <= undef1) /\ (undef38 <= undef18) /\ (undef54 > 1) /\ (undef39 <= undef19) /\ (undef40 <= undef19) /\ ((undef41 + 1) <= undef19) /\ (undef17 > 0) /\ (undef18 > 0) /\ (undef19 > 0) /\ (undef38 > 0) /\ (undef39 > 0) /\ (undef40 > 0) /\ (undef41 > ~(1)) /\ ((undef21 + 2) <= undef18), par{arg1 -> undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41}> ~(1)) /\ (undef54 > 0) /\ (undef2 <= undef53) /\ (undef53 > 0) /\ (undef1 > 2) /\ (undef2 > 0) /\ (undef28 > ~(1)) /\ (undef54 > 1) /\ (undef1 > 0) /\ (undef2 > 0), par{arg1 -> undef28, arg2 -> undef29, arg3 -> undef30, arg4 -> undef31}> 0) /\ (undef8 <= undef53) /\ (undef53 > 0) /\ (undef7 > 1) /\ (undef8 > 0) /\ (undef7 >= undef12) /\ (undef54 > 1) /\ (undef12 <= undef8) /\ (undef7 >= undef13) /\ (undef7 >= (undef14 - 1)) /\ ((undef14 - 1) <= undef8) /\ (undef7 > 0) /\ (undef8 > 0) /\ (undef12 > 0) /\ (undef13 > 0) /\ (undef14 > 1) /\ (undef7 >= (undef16 + 2)) /\ (undef38 <= undef13) /\ (undef54 > 1) /\ (undef39 <= undef14) /\ (undef40 <= undef14) /\ ((undef41 + 1) <= undef14) /\ (undef12 > 0) /\ (undef13 > 0) /\ (undef14 > 0) /\ (undef38 > 0) /\ (undef39 > 0) /\ (undef40 > 0) /\ (undef41 > ~(1)) /\ ((undef16 + 2) <= undef13), par{arg1 -> undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41}> 0) /\ (undef8 <= undef53) /\ (undef53 > 0) /\ (undef7 > 1) /\ (undef8 > 0) /\ (undef22 > ~(1)) /\ (undef54 > 1) /\ (undef17 <= undef7) /\ (undef17 <= undef8) /\ (undef18 <= undef7) /\ (undef7 > 0) /\ (undef8 > 0) /\ (undef17 > 0) /\ (undef18 > 0) /\ (undef19 > 2) /\ ((undef21 + 2) <= undef7) /\ (undef38 <= undef18) /\ (undef54 > 1) /\ (undef39 <= undef19) /\ (undef40 <= undef19) /\ ((undef41 + 1) <= undef19) /\ (undef17 > 0) /\ (undef18 > 0) /\ (undef19 > 0) /\ (undef38 > 0) /\ (undef39 > 0) /\ (undef40 > 0) /\ (undef41 > ~(1)) /\ ((undef21 + 2) <= undef18), par{arg1 -> undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41}> 0) /\ (undef8 <= undef53) /\ (undef53 > 0) /\ (undef7 > 1) /\ (undef8 > 0) /\ (undef28 > ~(1)) /\ (undef54 > 1) /\ (undef7 > 0) /\ (undef8 > 0), par{arg1 -> undef28, arg2 -> undef29, arg3 -> undef30, arg4 -> undef31}> ~(1)) /\ (undef54 > 0) /\ (undef53 > 0), par{arg1 -> undef23, arg2 -> undef24, arg3 -> undef25, arg4 -> undef26}> 0) /\ ((arg1 - 1) < arg1), par{arg1 -> (arg1 - 1), arg2 -> undef34, arg3 -> undef35, arg4 -> undef36}> 0) /\ (arg2 > 1) /\ (arg3 > 2) /\ (arg4 > 0) /\ (undef43 > 0) /\ (undef44 > 2) /\ (undef45 > 2) /\ (undef46 > 0), par{arg1 -> undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46}> 2) /\ (arg2 > 2) /\ (arg3 > 2) /\ (arg4 > 0) /\ (undef48 > 0) /\ (undef49 > 0) /\ (undef50 > 2) /\ (undef51 > 0), par{arg1 -> undef48, arg2 -> undef49, arg3 -> undef50, arg4 -> undef51}> Fresh variables: undef1, undef2, undef4, undef5, undef6, undef7, undef8, undef10, undef11, undef12, undef13, undef14, undef16, undef17, undef18, undef19, undef21, undef22, undef23, undef24, undef25, undef26, undef27, undef28, undef29, undef30, undef31, undef32, undef34, undef35, undef36, undef37, undef38, undef39, undef40, undef41, undef42, undef43, undef44, undef45, undef46, undef47, undef48, undef49, undef50, undef51, undef52, undef53, undef54, undef55, undef56, undef57, Undef variables: undef1, undef2, undef4, undef5, undef6, undef7, undef8, undef10, undef11, undef12, undef13, undef14, undef16, undef17, undef18, undef19, undef21, undef22, undef23, undef24, undef25, undef26, undef27, undef28, undef29, undef30, undef31, undef32, undef34, undef35, undef36, undef37, undef38, undef39, undef40, undef41, undef42, undef43, undef44, undef45, undef46, undef47, undef48, undef49, undef50, undef51, undef52, undef53, undef54, undef55, undef56, undef57, Abstraction variables: Exit nodes: Accepting locations: Asserts: ************************************************************* ******************************************************************************************* *********************** WORKING TRANSITION SYSTEM (DAG) *********************** ******************************************************************************************* Init Location: 0 Graph 0: Transitions: Variables: Graph 1: Transitions: -1 + arg1, arg2 -> undef34, arg3 -> undef35, arg4 -> undef36, rest remain the same}> Variables: arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 Graph 2: Transitions: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> undef48, arg2 -> undef49, arg3 -> undef50, arg4 -> undef51, rest remain the same}> Variables: arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 Precedence: Graph 0 Graph 1 undef28, arg2 -> undef29, arg3 -> undef30, arg4 -> undef31, rest remain the same}> undef28, arg2 -> undef29, arg3 -> undef30, arg4 -> undef31, rest remain the same}> undef23, arg2 -> undef24, arg3 -> undef25, arg4 -> undef26, rest remain the same}> Graph 2 undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> Map Locations to Subgraph: ( 0 , 0 ) ( 4 , 1 ) ( 5 , 2 ) ******************************************************************************************* ******************************** CHECKING ASSERTIONS ******************************** ******************************************************************************************* Proving termination of subgraph 0 Proving termination of subgraph 1 Checking unfeasibility... Time used: 0.001798 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l4}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000436s Ranking function: -1 + arg1 New Graphs: Proving termination of subgraph 2 Checking unfeasibility... Time used: 0.008867 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l5}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002688s Ranking function: -24 + 8*arg1 New Graphs: Transitions: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> Variables: arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l5}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000830s LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.004627s Trying to remove transition: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.007814s Time used: 0.0075 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.020212s Time used: 0.019592 Improving Solution with cost 4 ... LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 0.024603s Time used: 0.024571 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.044814s Cost: 4; Total time: 0.044163 Failed at location 5: arg4 <= 0 Failed at location 5: arg4 <= 0 Failed at location 5: arg4 <= 0 Failed at location 5: arg4 <= 0 Before Improving: Quasi-invariant at l5: arg4 <= 0 Optimizing invariants... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.004840s Remaining time after improvement: 0.997382 Termination implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): Quasi-invariant at l5: arg4 <= 0 [ Invariant Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: undef48, arg2 -> undef49, arg3 -> undef50, arg4 -> undef51, rest remain the same}> [ Termination Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> New Graphs: Calling Safety with literal arg4 <= 0 and entry undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL check - Post:arg4 <= 0 - Process 1 * Exit transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> * Postcondition : arg4 <= 0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000766s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.000901s Calling Safety with literal arg4 <= 0 and entry undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL check - Post:arg4 <= 0 - Process 2 * Exit transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> * Postcondition : arg4 <= 0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000743s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.000873s Calling Safety with literal arg4 <= 0 and entry undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL check - Post:arg4 <= 0 - Process 3 * Exit transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> * Postcondition : arg4 <= 0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000695s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.000828s Calling Safety with literal arg4 <= 0 and entry undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL check - Post:arg4 <= 0 - Process 4 * Exit transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> * Postcondition : arg4 <= 0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000658s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.000784s INVARIANTS: 5: Quasi-INVARIANTS to narrow Graph: 5: arg4 <= 0 , Narrowing transition: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: undef48, arg2 -> undef49, arg3 -> undef50, arg4 -> undef51, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 invGraph after Narrowing: Transitions: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> undef48, arg2 -> undef49, arg3 -> undef50, arg4 -> undef51, rest remain the same}> Variables: arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l5}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002443s Ranking function: -24 + 8*arg1 New Graphs: Transitions: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> Variables: arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l5}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000843s LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.004627s Trying to remove transition: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.007764s Time used: 0.00744 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.016964s Time used: 0.016411 Improving Solution with cost 4 ... LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 0.025879s Time used: 0.025877 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.042843s Cost: 4; Total time: 0.042288 Failed at location 5: arg3 <= 1 Failed at location 5: arg3 <= 1 Failed at location 5: arg3 <= 1 Failed at location 5: arg3 <= 1 Before Improving: Quasi-invariant at l5: arg3 <= 1 Optimizing invariants... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.004788s Remaining time after improvement: 0.997344 Termination implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): Quasi-invariant at l5: arg3 <= 1 [ Invariant Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: undef48, arg2 -> undef49, arg3 -> undef50, arg4 -> undef51, rest remain the same}> [ Termination Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... > It's unfeasible. Removing transition: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> New Graphs: Calling Safety with literal arg3 <= 1 and entry undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL check - Post:arg3 <= 1 - Process 5 * Exit transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> * Postcondition : arg3 <= 1 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000789s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.000920s Calling Safety with literal arg3 <= 1 and entry undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL check - Post:arg3 <= 1 - Process 6 * Exit transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> * Postcondition : arg3 <= 1 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000751s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.000876s Calling Safety with literal arg3 <= 1 and entry undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL check - Post:arg3 <= 1 - Process 7 * Exit transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> * Postcondition : arg3 <= 1 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000705s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.000839s Calling Safety with literal arg3 <= 1 and entry undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL check - Post:arg3 <= 1 - Process 8 * Exit transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> * Postcondition : arg3 <= 1 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000663s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.000787s INVARIANTS: 5: Quasi-INVARIANTS to narrow Graph: 5: arg3 <= 1 , Narrowing transition: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: undef48, arg2 -> undef49, arg3 -> undef50, arg4 -> undef51, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 invGraph after Narrowing: Transitions: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> undef48, arg2 -> undef49, arg3 -> undef50, arg4 -> undef51, rest remain the same}> Variables: arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l5}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002438s Ranking function: -24 + 8*arg1 New Graphs: Transitions: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> Variables: arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l5}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000846s LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.004609s Trying to remove transition: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.007812s Time used: 0.007482 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.020158s Time used: 0.01955 Improving Solution with cost 4 ... LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 0.022041s Time used: 0.022022 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.042199s Cost: 4; Total time: 0.041572 Failed at location 5: arg2 <= 1 Failed at location 5: arg2 <= 1 Failed at location 5: arg2 <= 1 Failed at location 5: arg2 <= 1 Before Improving: Quasi-invariant at l5: arg2 <= 1 Optimizing invariants... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.004766s Remaining time after improvement: 0.997335 Termination implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): Quasi-invariant at l5: arg2 <= 1 [ Invariant Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: undef48, arg2 -> undef49, arg3 -> undef50, arg4 -> undef51, rest remain the same}> [ Termination Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... > It's unfeasible. Removing transition: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> New Graphs: Calling Safety with literal arg2 <= 1 and entry undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL check - Post:arg2 <= 1 - Process 9 * Exit transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> * Postcondition : arg2 <= 1 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000803s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.000942s Calling Safety with literal arg2 <= 1 and entry undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL check - Post:arg2 <= 1 - Process 10 * Exit transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> * Postcondition : arg2 <= 1 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000771s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.000895s Calling Safety with literal arg2 <= 1 and entry undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL check - Post:arg2 <= 1 - Process 11 * Exit transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> * Postcondition : arg2 <= 1 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000705s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.000841s Calling Safety with literal arg2 <= 1 and entry undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL check - Post:arg2 <= 1 - Process 12 * Exit transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> * Postcondition : arg2 <= 1 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000670s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.000803s INVARIANTS: 5: Quasi-INVARIANTS to narrow Graph: 5: arg2 <= 1 , Narrowing transition: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: undef48, arg2 -> undef49, arg3 -> undef50, arg4 -> undef51, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 invGraph after Narrowing: Transitions: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> undef48, arg2 -> undef49, arg3 -> undef50, arg4 -> undef51, rest remain the same}> Variables: arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l5}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002481s Ranking function: -24 + 8*arg1 New Graphs: Transitions: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> Variables: arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l5}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000850s LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.004626s Trying to remove transition: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.007803s Time used: 0.007483 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.046459s Time used: 0.04588 Improving Solution with cost 4 ... LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 0.030151s Time used: 0.030149 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.076610s Cost: 4; Total time: 0.076029 Failed at location 5: arg3 <= 2 Failed at location 5: arg3 <= 2 Failed at location 5: arg3 <= 2 Failed at location 5: arg3 <= 2 Before Improving: Quasi-invariant at l5: arg3 <= 2 Optimizing invariants... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.005361s Remaining time after improvement: 0.997316 Termination implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): Quasi-invariant at l5: arg3 <= 2 [ Invariant Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility It's unfeasible. Removing transition: undef48, arg2 -> undef49, arg3 -> undef50, arg4 -> undef51, rest remain the same}> [ Termination Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... > It's unfeasible. Removing transition: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> New Graphs: Calling Safety with literal arg3 <= 2 and entry undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL check - Post:arg3 <= 2 - Process 13 * Exit transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> * Postcondition : arg3 <= 2 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000828s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.000960s Calling Safety with literal arg3 <= 2 and entry undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL check - Post:arg3 <= 2 - Process 14 * Exit transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> * Postcondition : arg3 <= 2 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000768s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.000899s Calling Safety with literal arg3 <= 2 and entry undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL check - Post:arg3 <= 2 - Process 15 * Exit transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> * Postcondition : arg3 <= 2 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000716s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.000847s Calling Safety with literal arg3 <= 2 and entry undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL check - Post:arg3 <= 2 - Process 16 * Exit transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> * Postcondition : arg3 <= 2 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000684s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.000808s INVARIANTS: 5: Quasi-INVARIANTS to narrow Graph: 5: arg3 <= 2 , Narrowing transition: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: undef48, arg2 -> undef49, arg3 -> undef50, arg4 -> undef51, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 invGraph after Narrowing: Transitions: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> undef48, arg2 -> undef49, arg3 -> undef50, arg4 -> undef51, rest remain the same}> Variables: arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l5}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002473s Ranking function: -24 + 8*arg1 New Graphs: Transitions: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> Variables: arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l5}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000849s LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.004632s Trying to remove transition: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.007806s Time used: 0.007479 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.064408s Time used: 0.063996 Solving with 2 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.002265s Time used: 4.0007 Solving with 3 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.004686s Time used: 1.00004 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.026461s Time used: 0.012234 Proving non-termination of subgraph 2 Transitions: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> undef48, arg2 -> undef49, arg3 -> undef50, arg4 -> undef51, rest remain the same}> Variables: arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 Checking that every undef value has an assignment... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003981s Checking conditional non-termination of SCC {l5}... EXIT TRANSITIONS: Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.110963s Time used: 0.109876 Improving Solution with cost 7 ... LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 0.138288s Time used: 0.138285 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.249251s Cost: 7; Total time: 0.248161 Minimizing number of undef constraints... LOG: CALL solveNonLinear LOG: RETURN solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.016488s Number of undef constraints reduced! Non-termination implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): Quasi-invariant at l5: 1 <= arg1 Strengthening and disabling EXIT transitions... Closed exits from l5: 2 Strengthening exit transition (result): Strengthening exit transition (result): Strengthening exit transition (result): Strengthening exit transition (result): Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): undef48, arg2 -> undef49, arg3 -> undef50, arg4 -> undef51, rest remain the same}> Checking conditional non-termination of SCC {l5}... EXIT TRANSITIONS: Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.250048s Time used: 0.249256 Improving Solution with cost 7 ... LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 0.149391s Time used: 0.149388 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.399439s Cost: 7; Total time: 0.398644 Failed at location 5: 1 + arg1 <= arg2 Failed at location 5: 1 + arg1 <= arg2 Failed at location 5: 1 + arg1 <= arg2 Failed at location 5: 1 + arg1 <= arg2 Before Improving: Quasi-invariant at l5: 1 + arg1 <= arg2 Optimizing invariants... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.009955s Remaining time after improvement: 0.994114 Minimizing number of undef constraints... LOG: CALL solveNonLinear LOG: RETURN solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.011034s Non-termination implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): Quasi-invariant at l5: 1 + arg1 <= arg2 Constraint over undef 'undef43 <= 1' in transition: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> Constraint over undef '1 + undef48 <= undef49' in transition: undef48, arg2 -> undef49, arg3 -> undef50, arg4 -> undef51, rest remain the same}> Strengthening and disabling EXIT transitions... Closed exits from l5: 2 Strengthening exit transition (result): Strengthening exit transition (result): Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): undef48, arg2 -> undef49, arg3 -> undef50, arg4 -> undef51, rest remain the same}> Checking conditional non-termination of SCC {l5}... EXIT TRANSITIONS: Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.813256s Time used: 0.812393 Improving Solution with cost 5 ... LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 0.160510s Time used: 0.160507 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.973766s Cost: 5; Total time: 0.9729 Failed at location 5: 1 <= arg4 Failed at location 5: 1 <= arg4 Failed at location 5: 1 <= arg4 Failed at location 5: 1 <= arg4 Before Improving: Quasi-invariant at l5: 1 <= arg4 Optimizing invariants... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.011445s Remaining time after improvement: 0.993438 Minimizing number of undef constraints... LOG: CALL solveNonLinear LOG: RETURN solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.012969s Number of undef constraints reduced! Non-termination implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): Quasi-invariant at l5: 1 <= arg4 Strengthening and disabling EXIT transitions... Closed exits from l5: 1 Strengthening exit transition (result): Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): undef48, arg2 -> undef49, arg3 -> undef50, arg4 -> undef51, rest remain the same}> Checking conditional non-termination of SCC {l5}... EXIT TRANSITIONS: Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.283920s Time used: 0.282927 Improving Solution with cost 4 ... LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 0.138562s Time used: 0.138558 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.422482s Cost: 4; Total time: 0.421485 Failed at location 5: 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3 Failed at location 5: 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3 Failed at location 5: 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3 Failed at location 5: 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3 Before Improving: Quasi-invariant at l5: 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3 Optimizing invariants... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.010024s Remaining time after improvement: 0.993407 Minimizing number of undef constraints... LOG: CALL solveNonLinear LOG: RETURN solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.016773s Non-termination implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): Quasi-invariant at l5: 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3 Constraint over undef 'arg4 + undef44 + undef46 <= 1 + undef43 + undef45' in transition: undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> Constraint over undef 'undef48 + undef49 + undef51 <= 1 + undef50' in transition: undef48, arg2 -> undef49, arg3 -> undef50, arg4 -> undef51, rest remain the same}> Strengthening and disabling EXIT transitions... Closed exits from l5: 1 Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): undef43, arg2 -> undef44, arg3 -> undef45, arg4 -> undef46, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): undef48, arg2 -> undef49, arg3 -> undef50, arg4 -> undef51, rest remain the same}> Calling reachability with... Transition: Conditions: 1 <= arg1, 1 + arg1 <= arg2, 1 <= arg4, 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3, Transition: Conditions: 1 <= arg1, 1 + arg1 <= arg2, 1 <= arg4, 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3, Transition: Conditions: 1 <= arg1, 1 + arg1 <= arg2, 1 <= arg4, 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3, Transition: Conditions: 1 <= arg1, 1 + arg1 <= arg2, 1 <= arg4, 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3, OPEN EXITS: --- Reachability graph --- > Graph without transitions. Calling reachability with... Transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> Conditions: 1 + arg1 <= arg2, 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3, 1 <= arg1, 1 <= arg4, Transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> Conditions: 1 + arg1 <= arg2, 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3, 1 <= arg1, 1 <= arg4, Transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> Conditions: 1 + arg1 <= arg2, 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3, 1 <= arg1, 1 <= arg4, Transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> Conditions: 1 + arg1 <= arg2, 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3, 1 <= arg1, 1 <= arg4, Transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> Conditions: 1 + arg1 <= arg2, 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3, 1 <= arg1, 1 <= arg4, Transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> Conditions: 1 + arg1 <= arg2, 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3, 1 <= arg1, 1 <= arg4, Transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> Conditions: 1 + arg1 <= arg2, 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3, 1 <= arg1, 1 <= arg4, Transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> Conditions: 1 + arg1 <= arg2, 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3, 1 <= arg1, 1 <= arg4, Transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> Conditions: 1 + arg1 <= arg2, 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3, 1 <= arg1, 1 <= arg4, Transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> Conditions: 1 + arg1 <= arg2, 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3, 1 <= arg1, 1 <= arg4, Transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> Conditions: 1 + arg1 <= arg2, 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3, 1 <= arg1, 1 <= arg4, Transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> Conditions: 1 + arg1 <= arg2, 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3, 1 <= arg1, 1 <= arg4, Transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> Conditions: 1 + arg1 <= arg2, 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3, 1 <= arg1, 1 <= arg4, Transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> Conditions: 1 + arg1 <= arg2, 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3, 1 <= arg1, 1 <= arg4, Transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> Conditions: 1 + arg1 <= arg2, 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3, 1 <= arg1, 1 <= arg4, Transition: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> Conditions: 1 + arg1 <= arg2, 1 + arg1 + arg4 <= arg3, 1 <= arg1, 1 <= arg4, OPEN EXITS: undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> undef38, arg2 -> undef39, arg3 -> undef40, arg4 -> undef41, rest remain the same}> > Conditions are reachable! Program does NOT terminate